Friday, October 7, 2011


Reading Cathy's notes from Week 4 was challenging and stimulating.  I've re-committed to old patterns that I have let slide due to my personal hindrances to running the race. (Didn't I make that sound good)? Oh that we could all see how much God loves us, how He yearns for that personal contact of day to day relationship. [ Cathy writes, The point of Hebrews - and one we should take seriously - is that each of us who enjoys the privileges and blessings of knowing Jesus should realize that there also are responsibilities. Neglecting to take these responsibilities seriously will NOT cause us to forfeit our salvation but can cause us to forfeit the privileges and blessing we would otherwise enjoy.]

As I was reading that and feeling convicted, I was also thinking about the miracles of Jesus, and I thought, if Jesus could perform these awesome, unbelievable, earth shattering miracles then He can easily change me.
He could easily change my priorities, since I fail consistently at doing that very thing.  So, I prayed and asked Him to change me, and my burden of obedience lifted, my morning card game has become my morning reading in His Word.  I am blessed and one of my privileges as a child of God is having intimacy with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit who is ready and able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all I ask or think.  Remember we are in this race together, Jesus is running with us!
Thank you, Kathy Moore, for sharing your testimony with us on the Blog.  Kathy has opened up her heart and from it has freely flowed a beautiful story of grace, forgiveness and answered prayer..Please read!

by Kathy Moore

I grew up a "cultural Christian" going to church on Christmas and Easter because it was the thing to do, but not because we were celebrating Christ’s birth or resurrection.

My Dad was a very successful doctor who worked hard all week and believed Sunday was his 1 day to sleep in. He used to say, "with all my good works helping people, don’t tell me I’m not going to Heaven!" My Dad urged me to strive to be my best. Following his example, my value became based on works and I accumulated accolades & accomplishments as if building a resume for life.

At age 14 my perfect childhood was turned upside down when my parents separated. For the next 4 years while they struggled through this separation, I rebelled by sleeping with my boyfriend, drinking at parties and over-eating. However, I maintained my straight A’s and became the over-achiever my Dad would be proud of. By the time I was accepted to Stanford I had become a very prideful person – life was all about me!

I fell in love with my husband Roger my freshman year at Stanford. We married at age 23. By 25 I had started up my own chain of travel agencies in the Silicon Valley and received national acclaim for being the youngest successful agency owner in the industry. I am now humiliated to admit that back then I proudly wore the badge "I am woman, hear me roar!"

We started a family and it was when my 2 year old redhead daughter became so feisty that I couldn’t handle her, I turned to a good friend who happened to be a Christian. She gave me Dobson’s Dare to Discipline book and said I could ignore the biblical scripture if it bothered me, but to focus on his parenting principles. He recommended teaching your child that there is a higher authority (the Lord) to whom she had to be accountable. A light bulb went off in my head and I knew in my soul that I needed this personally as well as for my young daughter. I started church shopping and developed a deep desire to know Christ.

I accepted the Lord at SBC in Nov. 1991 at an altar call by Pastor Darrell. Roger had unwillingly come to church with me that day, at my pleading, and was shocked when he saw his wife walk away from him and down to the altar toward Darrell and God. He thought he’d lost me now that I’d become "born again." He remained scared and nervous for several years, but I just kept loving him and trying to influence our 3 children in a Godly way.

Even though I desperately wanted Roger to be the spiritual head of the household, I knew God was calling me to raise our 3 to know Jesus, and over time they did, praise God! Roger was keenly aware he was the only non-believer in our home and for 14 years he put up with our prayers and trips to church.
Imagine the blessing our family received when Roger accepted Christ 5 years ago. I know this is my testimony, but I mention this because it is such a great example of how I had to trust in the Lord for 14 years that He would answer my biggest prayer in life – that my husband would become a believer too!

I keep a prayer journal in which I write down all things big and small I am praying for. When God answers them I put a check mark by the entry. It blows me away at the number of check marks in my journal – such a great reminder that time and again the Lord has been faithful! And as I ride through this season of my life with our oldest son in Iraq and our youngest son preparing to follow him in fighting the war on terrorism, I find myself drawing even closer to Jesus to alleviate any fears that bubble up. More importantly because He has forgiven me for my sins and promises us eternal salvation, I am at peace. I am so thankful to have a relationship with an active living Abba Daddy who loves us. Jesus is not just my Savior and my hope, but my best friend.   Kathy Moore


All I have to say about Georgia Dolph's story of struggle is, wow, our God is glorious and can bring us from destruction to victory!  I really appreciate the time and sacrifice it took to put it all on paper and then get up in front of us and share.  Georgia, you did an amazing job, and I know God was with you as you shared.  Thank you for giving us your heart. 


Glory to God in the Highest!
Pray for one another.
Please send me your testimony at
Read Hebrews.

Thank you for being part of my journey, see you next Tuesday,

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