Saturday, October 29, 2011


Cathy definitely helped me to conclude that entering God's rest is a daily event. Embracing God's promises... realizing that our faith in God is tied to His all powerful Word.  Heb 4:12-13  For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. We can rest in the fact that God is all knowing, He knows our troubles, our sins, our struggles our thoughts.  Nothing can happen without it filtering through His, is there a sense of rest in that or what? 

I encourage you to spend time in His Word, read and re-read Hebrews, what a powerful book.  Sure it is written to Hebrews, but to Christian Hebrews and we are all in that Christian family if we have Jesus in our hearts.  Thank you Cathy for the lesson on R-E-S-T.

I’m 57 years old and have been happily married for 35 years to an incredible guy and have 2 beautiful girls, one great son-in-law and 3 fantastic grandchildren. I asked Jesus into my life when I was 24 years old.

The first Bible Verse that I memorized was Proverbs 3:5, 6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. (I guess all of the "Thine" and "thy" date me!) This verse became a verse that has been the foundation of my spiritual life.
Like many other folks, many ugly, rough things balanced out with beautiful things happened to me before I was saved. Not surprisingly, that same mix of good and bad experiences has continued since I was saved.

So what was the difference before and after I was saved? My life was complicated both before and after. I had to face both a beautiful and tragic world both before and after. The difference is that I am now facing the beauty and ugliness of the world knowing that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are always with me. God didn’t come into my world. He was always there in my world for me. I just had to find Him! Just like Dorothy in the "Wizard of OZ." No one could tell Dorothy how to get home. She had to find out for herself.

I have always been a very visual, creative, empathetic person who unfortunately had a difficult childhood. Before knowing Jesus, I was able to hide in my own little fantasy world to get away from the mental and physical abuse that happened throughout my life. It was a survival technique that kept me sane, but it was not real. I was hiding from everyone and everything including God. Then God planted some seeds, and they started germinating. He started gently guiding me toward Him. I started breaking out of the imagined world that I so carefully created and I started facing God honestly.

I accepted Jesus Christ into my life in 1978 at the age of 24. On a whim, I went with a friend to hear a Christian man share his testimony. The man’s name was Josh McDowell. He was a man who set out to disprove Jesus and ended up a believer. I understood what he went through. He started answering the difficult questions that I had, and the answers started making sense! (Or God opened my eyes and my ears so that I really heard the message!)

Did I do bad things before I was saved? Yes. Have I done bad things after I have been saved? Absolutely! [Isn’t it interesting how the more we learn about God, the more God shows us our sins?] I repent of those sins and ask God’s forgiveness daily. And I know that those sins are forgiven through Jesus.

At this time in my life both my physical and mental health has deteriorated. Without God in my life I surely would not have made it. I have to admit that my life before and after becoming a Christian has not been easy. But then again, God did not say this would be easy. There have been many ups and downs but through grace, faith and trust in Him, I not only am surviving but thriving to glorify Him!

Looking back on my spiritual life I’m struck by (God’s) perfect timing of everything. I grew apart from God, I grew closer to God. If I hadn’t experienced hard times in my life, I would not appreciate what I have now. God brought me together as a whole being. Each day with God, I learn to trust God, trust others as well as trust myself! God has always had the perfect plan for me. I can’t wait to watch it unfold! It truly is all for Him!


Betty Lowry and I have put our heads together and are happy to offer a small workshop on Praying in Color.  It is an exciting hour of adding some splash to your prayer life through color.  We will hold the workshop right after class on November 8, 2011.  You must sign up by Nov. 4th to attend. (We have to have time to gather supplies, etc.).  A sign-up sheet will be available this coming Tuesday November 1st.  No art talent or experience needed, just the desire to expand your horizon's.  Bring a sack lunch and any pens or pencil's that can add color to a page.  Art supplies will be available so if you don't have any that is okay, they will be provided.  Thank you Betty!

The happy blogger, Meribeth

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Hebrews Week 7

Friday, October 21, 2011

Israel's Rebellion....sounds familiar!

 As Cathy spoke about (THE REBELLION), I thought, hmmm this sounds very familiar.  Seems like many of us spend lots of our time, hardening our hearts.  Don't we complain, aren't we unhappy with circumstances or some of the people in our lives, don't we seem discontented.....yet ,I don't think we call it hardening our hearts and we certainly don't call it REBELLION!  I wonder if we need an attitude adjustment?  I can't wait till this coming Tuesday to find out how to enter God's rest, how to stop the rebellion and hardening of my heart.  Are you with me on this?  See you then.

This upcoming testimony is a little different from the "when I accepted Christ" testimonies of former weeks.  Susan Olson shares how God has upheld her during unbelievable struggles and brought her to a place of triumph.  Thank you Susan for your transparency.
by Susan Olson
Tony Snow (Christianity, Oct. ‘11)

I too have been on a long cancer journey with the Lord. As my sustainer, helper, healer and comforter, He gave me the hope and positive attitude to leap over my circumstances into His arms.

This all began in 1982 when a cancerous tumor on my appendix reared its ugly head. The path of the cancer has wound its way through my body from breast, brain, kidney, lungs and bladder - 5 primary diagnosis- an anomaly, perhaps!, Guinness World Records, maybe, one of God’s miracles, absolutely!

To my fantastic cadre of doctors, I’m their miracle patient. I never hesitate to share the Lord and His many miracles with them or with any another inquiring soul. Blessings appear when I relate our journey and my testimony with others. “Don’t neglect the Blessing” Cathy Wilson.

Having a wonderful Christian family and friends who surrounded me through a multitude of surgeries, radiations and chemo’s, I have realized that I’m on Plan A, loving and relishing each and every blessing He puts in my path. Giving me opportunities to strengthen my faith and trust in Him has been an exciting adventure.
“Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans,and will be fragrant with His presence.” Anon.

I’m not cancer free but I know that I am preserved by His loving grace.
Susan Olson

Can't wait to see all of you Tuesday,  Meribeth

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I always wondered why the Jews were called "The Chosen People".  I thought it was because God chose them to become Israel, His race.  They were a people He could pour out His blessings on.  And I guess that is true in a sense...but chosen to be His witnesses to the world...what an awesome responsibility.  They didn't exactly do Him justice....but can we judge?  Aren't we called as Christians to be His ambassadors?

The World Waiting to Hear!

 [2 Corinthians 5:20 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; 19that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself,* not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. 20So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.] 

Those who heard the Word!

We have as Christians a great responsibility, an awesome responsibility to bring all we can to understand who Christ is and what He has done for each and every one of us.  Encourage one another to do this very thing, pray for those on your prayer cards who need His salvation.  Be a devoted prayer angel.

I'm very excited about this upcoming is written by my sister Karen.  It brings tears to my eyes every time I read it...thank you Karen for taking the time to put it all together.

by Karen Campbell

Matthew 13:1-9 (Parable of the Sower)

When I was a child my father did not believe in going to church. God was not even talked about at home. I was invited by my best friend and her mother to attend a Presbyterian Church. I was baptized there when I was 8 or 9 years of age. Did I know what that meant? NO, absolutely not. Alas without support at home church was soon forgotten. (Seeds were planted along the path and the seeds were eaten by birds.)

However, from then on, God was in my heart and I did rely on him through a difficult marriage and divorce. In my mid-twenties, my sister Meribeth who continually talked to me about accepting Jesus, "led" me to the LORD at her kitchen table. I went to some bible studies but being a single mother with two children, working two jobs, etc. it didn't last long. (Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where there wasn't much soil so they came up quickly and were scorched by the sun since they had no root.)

Later I became involved in Spiritual disciplines and practices for several years. I also married the "love of my life" but 11 years later I was divorced once again. (Other’s fell on thorns and the thorns came up and choked them.)

A few years ago I attended a women's retreat in Tucson. I accepted Christ once again and for the first time I actually felt his arms around me. He entered my heart and I knew He was my Lord. I pray to Him often and speak to Him daily like He's in the same room. I love Him dearly and plan to continue attending bible studies so I may know His word. (Still others fell on good ground and a crop: some 100, some 60, and some 30 times [what was sown]). Anyone who has ears should listen!!!!! Karen Campbell

Wow, another week gone by.  I'm excited about our new "table time".  Thank you leaders who stepped up and took charge, we are so happy to have you.   The notes are intriguing, please take the time to read..we live in a pressure filled world so I know it is a sacrifice.

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Friday, October 7, 2011


Reading Cathy's notes from Week 4 was challenging and stimulating.  I've re-committed to old patterns that I have let slide due to my personal hindrances to running the race. (Didn't I make that sound good)? Oh that we could all see how much God loves us, how He yearns for that personal contact of day to day relationship. [ Cathy writes, The point of Hebrews - and one we should take seriously - is that each of us who enjoys the privileges and blessings of knowing Jesus should realize that there also are responsibilities. Neglecting to take these responsibilities seriously will NOT cause us to forfeit our salvation but can cause us to forfeit the privileges and blessing we would otherwise enjoy.]

As I was reading that and feeling convicted, I was also thinking about the miracles of Jesus, and I thought, if Jesus could perform these awesome, unbelievable, earth shattering miracles then He can easily change me.
He could easily change my priorities, since I fail consistently at doing that very thing.  So, I prayed and asked Him to change me, and my burden of obedience lifted, my morning card game has become my morning reading in His Word.  I am blessed and one of my privileges as a child of God is having intimacy with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit who is ready and able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all I ask or think.  Remember we are in this race together, Jesus is running with us!
Thank you, Kathy Moore, for sharing your testimony with us on the Blog.  Kathy has opened up her heart and from it has freely flowed a beautiful story of grace, forgiveness and answered prayer..Please read!

by Kathy Moore

I grew up a "cultural Christian" going to church on Christmas and Easter because it was the thing to do, but not because we were celebrating Christ’s birth or resurrection.

My Dad was a very successful doctor who worked hard all week and believed Sunday was his 1 day to sleep in. He used to say, "with all my good works helping people, don’t tell me I’m not going to Heaven!" My Dad urged me to strive to be my best. Following his example, my value became based on works and I accumulated accolades & accomplishments as if building a resume for life.

At age 14 my perfect childhood was turned upside down when my parents separated. For the next 4 years while they struggled through this separation, I rebelled by sleeping with my boyfriend, drinking at parties and over-eating. However, I maintained my straight A’s and became the over-achiever my Dad would be proud of. By the time I was accepted to Stanford I had become a very prideful person – life was all about me!

I fell in love with my husband Roger my freshman year at Stanford. We married at age 23. By 25 I had started up my own chain of travel agencies in the Silicon Valley and received national acclaim for being the youngest successful agency owner in the industry. I am now humiliated to admit that back then I proudly wore the badge "I am woman, hear me roar!"

We started a family and it was when my 2 year old redhead daughter became so feisty that I couldn’t handle her, I turned to a good friend who happened to be a Christian. She gave me Dobson’s Dare to Discipline book and said I could ignore the biblical scripture if it bothered me, but to focus on his parenting principles. He recommended teaching your child that there is a higher authority (the Lord) to whom she had to be accountable. A light bulb went off in my head and I knew in my soul that I needed this personally as well as for my young daughter. I started church shopping and developed a deep desire to know Christ.

I accepted the Lord at SBC in Nov. 1991 at an altar call by Pastor Darrell. Roger had unwillingly come to church with me that day, at my pleading, and was shocked when he saw his wife walk away from him and down to the altar toward Darrell and God. He thought he’d lost me now that I’d become "born again." He remained scared and nervous for several years, but I just kept loving him and trying to influence our 3 children in a Godly way.

Even though I desperately wanted Roger to be the spiritual head of the household, I knew God was calling me to raise our 3 to know Jesus, and over time they did, praise God! Roger was keenly aware he was the only non-believer in our home and for 14 years he put up with our prayers and trips to church.
Imagine the blessing our family received when Roger accepted Christ 5 years ago. I know this is my testimony, but I mention this because it is such a great example of how I had to trust in the Lord for 14 years that He would answer my biggest prayer in life – that my husband would become a believer too!

I keep a prayer journal in which I write down all things big and small I am praying for. When God answers them I put a check mark by the entry. It blows me away at the number of check marks in my journal – such a great reminder that time and again the Lord has been faithful! And as I ride through this season of my life with our oldest son in Iraq and our youngest son preparing to follow him in fighting the war on terrorism, I find myself drawing even closer to Jesus to alleviate any fears that bubble up. More importantly because He has forgiven me for my sins and promises us eternal salvation, I am at peace. I am so thankful to have a relationship with an active living Abba Daddy who loves us. Jesus is not just my Savior and my hope, but my best friend.   Kathy Moore


All I have to say about Georgia Dolph's story of struggle is, wow, our God is glorious and can bring us from destruction to victory!  I really appreciate the time and sacrifice it took to put it all on paper and then get up in front of us and share.  Georgia, you did an amazing job, and I know God was with you as you shared.  Thank you for giving us your heart. 


Glory to God in the Highest!
Pray for one another.
Please send me your testimony at
Read Hebrews.

Thank you for being part of my journey, see you next Tuesday,

Saturday, October 1, 2011



John Owen
Hello, Ladies,  I was struck with the first moment of Cathy's lesson, that remark made by John Owen, a prominent 17th Century Puritan.  "If I have observed anything by experience it is this: a man (or woman), may take the measure of his growth - and decay - in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ and the glory of Christ".  Wow! Very Powerful.   Life hasn't changed, it is just as hard today as it was in the 17th Century and our battle is still the same, we have met the enemy and he is us.  Surrendering yourself to Jesus, making Him your priority, living with your eyes on Him this is still the call and this is still the battle.  We are drawing closer by going to Bible Study and I'm so glad to be in the race with each of you. 
Marsha's story is a testimony to how important it is to be transparent with our friends and family. 
Wait till you read all about it.

My Testimony
by Marsha Anderson 

I received the Lord Jesus at the age of 24.  By that time I was married and already had two children.  Being raised Catholic and marrying someone who had been divorced prohibited us from being married in the Catholic church, and I was excluded from the sacraments at church.  That's when I decided to investigate other denominations.  I always wondered why God wouldn't forgive me for marrying a divorced person if He would forgive other "sins".   I happened to be invited to a neighborhood bible study around this time and my Mom and I both went.  It was through the ladies at the study that I received a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws.  I couldn't put those Laws out of my mind.  I now know that the Lord used the verses in that little book and the study each week of His Word to convict me of my need of Him.  So I kept praying that prayer to receive Christ (didn't realize I only needed to pray it once), kept going to the Bible Study and the rest is a 40 year relationship with Christ.  That was in the 1960's and my husband and I will celebrate 44 years of marriage this week.  As a result, both of our children came to know the Lord, and my sisters and brothers (6 in all) and my Mom and Dad - all became believers in Christ (except one I am still praying for).  What a journey it has been, and I will always be grateful that someone was willing to share the Lord with me.
Marsha Anderson

Kathy Schell is a ministering angel every week.  Did you know? Kathy picks out the song, makes sure they get typed up then printed up for us, she practices, then gets to class early to make  the piano ready for her nimble fingers.  (This includes furniture moving). She does it with all her heart and it shows.  What a blessing!!
Thank you, Kathy Schell.


It is so awesome how you are praying for one another.  The Lord will do amazing things in the class, in fact He already is!  Thank you for spending time as a prayer angel, and for being transparent on your bookmark answer's.  You encourage me. 

Blessings, Meribeth

Jewish Roots
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(Visit the Chosen People Blog for an exciting Jewish testimony)!