Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Holding You Back?

Wow, did we have a great class or what.  I was overwhelmed with your prayers for Cathy and your passionate response to my requests on her behalf.  It is so special to be in a class like this, they are few and far between.  Thank you, each and everyone of you for your contributions to this amazing class.  (I usually put this kind of slautation at the bottom of the Blog but you all deserve to be in the number one spot).

Cathy's lesson on God's rest was enlightening and challenged my belief's that I expressed last week on the Blog.  I know that each day I enter His rest, and maybe that is because a quiet time is challenging in this day and age and when it is complete I feel His rest.  I am so thankful for that.  As our study progressed I realized that many things interfere with growing in the Lord, as Cathy spoke I started writing some things. You'll have to forgive my P Words but they were a fire in my heart. Persecution, Painful Trials, Powerlessness, Poor Relationships, Popular World Views, Promises Broken, Persistent Disobedience, Pretense of Religion, and Purposelessness, all interfere with coming into the Presence of God and His Powerful Peace and Rest. In His sight we are all little children and He wants to spend time with us as a Father and Friend.  Take time!


My Personal Testimony
Julie Dale

I grew up in a loving, Catholic family in a small town in Washington State.  We went to mass on a regular basis and l considered myself to be a Christian.  As a teenager, I went to Youth Group because my friends went - not because I wanted to grow in my faith.  Deep down, I knew something was missing in my life.  I didn’t have a prayer life or a personal relationship with God.  Sad to admit, but I feared Him.

During my junior year in college, my life began to change when I attended my first bible study.  My roommate led the bible study.  During the study, I was struck with the ease in which she prayed.  She was talking to God like He was a friend. Again, that feeling of missing something in my life over came me.  As the study progressed and I was reading scripture, my eyes were opened to what a loving Father our God is. It was during that period of my life that God continually surrounded me with Christian friends.  One of those friends is now my husband of 28 years – Rick.  Rick gave me my first bible as a birthday gift, at the age of 23, while we were dating.  I had so much to learn, but for the first time in my life I felt connected to God.  He was real to me. Everything changed once I began a personal relationship with the Lord and I haven’t looked back since!

Throughout the years, I have experienced God’s love for me in ways never imagined before I was saved.  He has brought me much joy and has taught me to rely on Him and not myself.  He continues to bring people into my life to keep me accountable, while growing in my Christian walk.

As I begin a new chapter in my life with children out of the home, I look forward to what God has planned for me.  Bring it on God, I’m all yours!



We only have two classes left, I can't believe it.  Remember that November 15, is our luncheon and class celebration.  We hope you can all attend.  I think Cathy plans on finishing Hebrews next semester, I really hope so anyway.

Cathy's Web site.
Cathy's email:
Hebrews Week 8

The happy Blogger,  Meribeth

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